Friday, September 11, 2009

Change in plans... go figure

Okay I know I said I was going to walk everyday for so many miles. I lied. The pedomiter thing isn't accuratly counting my steps which makes it hard to know how far I've gone. Well if it's not right, then whats the point. So instead I thought I could walk outside everyday. Well then I forgot that alas I am a busy person with little time to do such. I do want a challenge though, which is what I've come up with today. Everyday for the next two weeks I will do some kind of exercise. Whether it's walk some what fast for 20+ minutes, or do a belly dance video online. That's what I'm going to do. And today (09/11/09... technically yesterday) I did 23 minutes of a belly dance work out video. How did I feel? Frusterated cause the video kept skipping. We'll see what happens tomorrow.

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